Sunday, February 8, 2015

Tree of Rage Furniture: Rage Desk

journal I wrote August of last year eloquented the story of how we found our home.  While that part 1 story dove into the home itself, it also illustrated a particular tree we unknowingly inherited.

The tree of rage story will unfold another time.  This is the story of its bitter wood, after the foliar carnage.

Our plan from the get-go was to keep the two largest logs and turn them into furniture.  What exactly that meant at the time, we did not know.  We tossed ideas into the air: front doors and tables and desks and cabinets and bookshelves and a mantel, a guitar, a bed, and wall sculptures and anything else centerpiecing the mighty beast.

The logs sat for a much longer spell than anticipated.  Jokes of being the worse neighbors, became lovage for it's homing beacon abilities, both for locating our house and for the high schoolers to smoke pot on.  I didn't care and totally would have done the same back in the day, yo.

After months of research and endless phone calls to lameoids, we FINALLY found a portable miller man in the form of Brent (Urban Logs to Lumber.)  He took each behemoth and sliced him up good; dried the planks in his Clark appropriate solar kiln, checking on it often to ensure peak performance. Seriously people, I hope anyone searching for a Los Angeles miller finds this reference.  Stop searching!  Fantastic experience.

After seeing a dozen or so slabs of the most beeuteeful wood, we narrowed our initial focus to a Rage Desk and Rage Bed.  Local craftsman Josh at Arbor Exchange is who we entrusted to build beauty from anger.  He is the most patient, understanding, knowledgeable feller who guided us through the design, process and delivery.  Absolutely top notch piece of fucking handmade realness.

Now, a history in pictures.

The rage desk was delivered today.


1 comment:

  1. Hell yes!! Love that desk and all the gear that sits on it.
