Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Tree of Rage Furniture: Rage Bed

On February 8, we had our first piece of Rage Furniture delivered - Rage Desk. I don't think the pictures do it nearly enough justice, but that seems to be a theme among a "phone cameras are rad but still doesn't replace a great manual" world.

Today, the wonderful chap Josh and his lovely & mighty sister from Arbor Exchange delivered the Rage Bed.  The highly anticipated, extra incredible, years in the making, can't believe it's ours...  Rage Bed.  It's inspired by famed Japanese designer, George Nakashima.  And now we get to SLEEP on this magnificent example of fine, Los Angeles based craftsmanship.  It will be there during spring birds, gusty nights, rainy Sundays, laughs, cries, writings, readings, puppy hugs and lofting dreams.  This wooden form of amazeballs will stay with the Clarks', through life and quietus.