Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Memorial Of Me

It is weird, isn't it.  Memorial services.  Despite being ok with the concept of death, I haven't had much experience short of a few special people.  One final time to say goodbye but not really because you still have the funeral - I reckon.  So outside of showing the customary support, love, respects of the deceased, I don't know what you do.  Do you eat?  laugh?  Take queues from the family about what this person would welcome?  Sometimes they don't even get that right.  Today I'm going to the memorial of someone I knew in my past.  And while I hadn't spoken to him since before cell phones, I'm anxious because there may be a lone memory I'm not ready to experience.  I know this isn't about me, but it feels like it...

I've locked most of these people and time away from my current life.  I only visit when it's time to share a story.  I don't hold on to what I had because my future isn't that person anymore.  I no longer speak to most of whom I considered family.  That will always be then, I am my life now.  So it's weird being pulled back into something you're not prepared for.  There are faces I miss, faces I don't.  There is one face who relationshipped with me but when it was over, distanced himself in every way possible.  I hear he's done that with most of that group; maybe we're not so different.  There are countless hours of laughs, tears, fights, love, hate, and everything in between wrapped up in those darling faces.  We haven't all been together in nearly 15 years, yet his passing stirs up memories as if it's only been a week.

This guy was intimidating in stature, but always sweet to me.  He cared about my well being and made sure all the ladies at those ridiculous house parties were safe.  He was and felt like a protector, who was quiet until he needed to speak.  Now he's gone and another element of my past has been entombed.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Don't Muck It Up

Ever have a creative idea you instantly know is rad, but sit on it for fear you'll muck it up?  Two years, Alice.  Two years I've stared up at that moon...

The bits continually presented themselves, with a curtsy and a middle finger.  I became so insane with excitement for where this could go; Enthusiastically jotted everything down as 'JUST WAIT WORLD!'  The optimism never waned because the little voice inside always hinted I'd be starting soon.  this month.  next weekend.  tonight.  But the segue between vision and execution never materialized.  Each time I steadied myself in front of the backlit stage, ready to put words to pixels, the gremlins threw tomatoes.  They gained strength from knowing the second I start on the secret ACME project, that makes it real and that means it could fail.  Or more truthfully, I could fail.

Eventually the momentum rescinded further and further into the nether-regions of an artistic nebula.


I've been seeing a therapist for a few months and we've been making progress towards long overdue connections about uninteresting stuff.  Last Monday we dove into subjects I hadn't even considered discussion worthy, yet when our time ended and the last tears wiped, I left the office with an intangible cheeryness.  It was abstract, but an optimism was lurking about.

I usually come home and cook after my appointments because it's a mindless, enjoyable distraction while the emotions reset.  And yet despite the bubbly cloud following me, I didn't feel like it that night.  I sat in the kitchen, aimlessly trying to win the eye maze that exists between floor tiles.  Travis was getting ready for his comedy show and we chatted from our respective rooms.  I swung my feet in tiny, alternating circles, just like I did twenty-odd years ago while my mom cooked typical 1980s dinner.  The same step stool which cradles my tush now, held it then.

Travis kissed me goodbye, took off, and the vibe in the house began to settle into its evening routine of low lights and stillness.  But I was antsy and hoped a run would encourage the motivation I instinctually felt earlier.  or exhaust me.  Leroy gobbled his kibble & carrots; I gobbled the first spoonable item my hands could reach.  Laced up my trainers and out the door to feel the rush of wind as the neighborhood blurred by.  It was over an hour by the time I got to the park, winding down with a slower paced walk.  My legs twitched and lungs ached and foot ponies throbbed for how hard they pushed.  Some people walk to clear their head; I always seem to have a neuron dance party.  I shifted the physical indicators aside in order to focus on sorting the shimmying, spastic thoughts.

Then it hit me.

I stopped.

Whether it was the session, the exercise, a happenstance or concoction of all three...  I took a small step towards a major emotional goal.  Right there on a dingy sidewalk under a flickering florescent street lamp, I reached into my negative pocket (queue Bionic Woman bionic sound) and tossed a handful of self doubt.  Like it was a no big deal piece lint.  This is huge people!  Since that moment in third grade where I discovered what vulnerability was, the confidence bucket has generally tipped more on the negative, than positive.  The harsh view of myself a constant reminder of all the things I'm not doing, instead of all the things I've accomplished.  And I'm working on that, but it takes time.  A long time.  So to feel this piece of nasty weight suddenly eliminated so naturally, was an elation I never expected.

I was beaming!  I left that old tired, worn out view on the path of trampling feet and dogs and never looked back. 

With each step, a smile planted on my face and in my brain.  With each step, the clouds seemed to finally part on secret ACME project and I was about to jump 2 feet high because that would be really a lot for me!  I drafted the first few sentences in my head, repeating them so I wouldn't forget.  smiles.  I can do this.  The first few words I choose will set the tone for the entire study and I owe it to myself and the thing, to do right by it.

I'm finally ready because fuck those gremlins.

Let's do this, yo.

What I Didn't Tell You, Installment 3.

Last year I started a series of entries titled What I Didn't Tell You, because sir, my mind never stops making notes.  If you want to see the others, click HERE.

Part 3 is unique because when my phone was stolen, I realized it hadn't been backed up in several months when I went to transfer the goods to my new one.  Oops.  So while many a gem was lost, I regained a boat load full of something.

Again, the rules are:
  • I save them for any number of uninteresting reasons
  • I may have posted the exact or some form of said tweet
  • I present them exactly how they were saved, typos or non-sense and all

And now, Installment 3.


  1. Alright 20-something lame boy, next time ill let you continue saying your wrong statements (July 12, 2013. 1:29pm)
  2. I'm getting a new passport photo, so I'm puttin on my cool outfit and practicing my smile.  #Feel13Again (September 1, 2013. 10:13am) 
  3. Attempting scratch moo-shoo veg & pancakes for dinner. (September 2, 2013. 6:20pm) 
  4. Peeing and comfy pant strings (October 17, 2014. 9:43pm)
  5. Travis says it's silly to buy cookies you're going to eat at thanksgiving, before the day.  Because it's still to (November 25, 2014. 5:09pm)
  6. Got my car and my puppy, and we're headed to the puppy play park for some puppy play. #LotsOfPs (November 26, 2014. 2:53pm)
  7. Someone just proposed at the restaurant we're at and I kinda teared up like a sappy bitch. (December 6, 2014. 12:09am)
  8. My dad used to offer me 25 cents for each christmas package I wrapped.  And each year when I would settle up, he'd say (December 16, 2014. 9:57pm) 
  9. A Dalek Beautician: Exfoliate (December 27, 2014. 5:25pm)
  10. Next book club is in January and since we picked / we host.  We chose California by Edan Lepucki.  It's post-apocalyptic so everyone loses.  Or they don't. (December 30, 2014. 6:15pm)
  11. Final day of 2014: when a piece of shreddy wood jammed between my finger and nail. At least you're now cringing alongside me. (December 31, 2014. 9:34am)
  12. So much tea at brunch; so much pee at home. (January 2, 2015. 1:14pm)
  13. Trav and I agreed to a Black, Red, & White flowers scheme when we redo the yard. (January 2, 2015. 5:16pm)
  14. I've lost the ability to edit myself in deciding whether 44 journal drafts is excessive. (January 6, 2015. 12:31am)
  15. I will purchase 7 eco-friendly, pre-fab guest pods, a garden, & run the most awesome B&B.  I call it (January 7, 2015. 10:56pm)
  16. After a stressy week of hoping, it's official! RT @thatguytravis: On Friday Sgt. "Pepper" Leroy Buckles will be our pup. (January 12, 2015. 1:43pm)
  17. Some people I know are having shows tonight. Breaks some legs duders! @thatguytravis & @wilw (January 17, 2015. 7:05pm)
  18. Woke up with my night guard upside down, because I dreamt I was eating a donut. (January 19, 2015. 9:35am)
  19. Tutucci (January 24, 2015. 12:00am)
  20. The person who makes you feel better even when XXX, regardless of gender - that's who you should be with. (January 29, 2015. 2:08pm)
  21. Can't sleep.  Worrying. (February 2, 2015. 5:02am)
  22. And just like that, a 12 year career comes to an end. (February 2, 2015. 5:03am)
  23. My fav peeps at the gym: the accuser, the talker, and the TV watcher. #BROSEFs #HashtagsForThem (February 8, 2015. 9:14pm)
  24. {deep breath} Man! I love having lunch outside w/ Leroy.  sit downs in usual hair: wait, THE SUN ON ME NOW?! {scowls for (February 12, 2015. 12:55pm)
  25. Earlier I posted a journal noting I've had a sinus infection & nasty cough.  I can't shake the cough so I may go drive around w/ all the other (February 15, 2015. 8:13am)
  26. Two legs, one pup. (February 15, 2015. 7:48pm)
  27. Autonomy is fine if you're content with staying put. (February 17, 2015. 2:12pm)
  28. When "You got this!" is loudly spoken over and over again, between a couple of broads in the ladies room. (February 19, 2015. 5:54pm)
  29. When it's 10 minutes to six and you think calling the work help desk for a quick software update is a good idea. # (February 19, 2015. 6:00pm)
  30. Tremors: Single handedly asking the question, "How does a women in a town of 14 even get a huge pottery order?" #TremorsLive (February 20, 2015. 11:31pm)
  31. The Wire, but with Monopoly. (March 4, 2015. 7:58pm)
  32. RT @serialnerd: Bought the most brilliant pair of electric orange jeans, just in time for today's activities. Cuz those weeds aren't gonna pull themselves. (March 7, 2015. 12:18pm)
  33. Back the the Suture  Whack to the Future (March 11, 2015. 8:44pm)
  34. Travis and I walked #CicLAvia for almost 2 hours because riding a bike. :/) (March 22, 2015. 4:30pm)
  35. I walk therefore I jam. #BiscuitDisco (March 26, 2015. 8:05pm)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 12: Fin (May 27)

I wake up refreshed, but with a sadness in knowing we're leaving this wonderful place today; optimistic for knowing in 24 hours I'll be hugging my puppy once again.  Besides Travis, he's the most important other furson in my life.

The last 12 days have been an incredible journal together, discovering brave and scared, adventurous and full, relaxed and super relaxed.  A trip worth waiting 5 years, to the day.

This final May 27 is for our memories.  We'll enjoy one last tour of the ocean, one last afternoon by the pool, and one last hike to Sweetheart rock.

THE EATS: Goodbye 4 Seasons breakfast buffet, you were one of a kind.

THE ACCOMMODATIONS: Goodbye hotel, to your beautiful view and the time we shared in some wonderful life moments; Adieu to the automatic toilet for making every date an experience.

Goodbye John Tesh and kin.

THE ISLAND LYFES: Goodbye Lana'i, who made us feel welcome where ever we went.

I made this.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day 11: Rescue Me Yellow (May 26)

WE GET TO GO 4X4-ING, WHICH I'VE NEVER DONE AND I'M SO EXCITED, GO VROOM VROOM VROOM RIGHT NOW PLEASE!!!!  Oh stomach, you're nerves have gotten to you?  You feel like you need to burb 1000 belches, but can't?  For shame, the day started out with such promise.

But then I drank tea and ginger ale and napped and in between, unleashed some great ones (according to Travis!)  Awwww yeah, we're back on our way!

THE EATS: Another breakfast buffet... another round of fresh malasada doughnut holes.  I could/could not get used to this.  Ok not really because I would probably puke all the time from the sugar overload.


Dinner was at the local Cafe 565.  Please, if you're in the neighborhood, stop by and have some of their deelicious ono food.  They were friendly, locals & cops love them, and they have won best local Ono Grinds for like 7 years in a row or something.  Dessert calzone with vanilla ice cream, that was flailed in the middle and topped with chocolate.  Fuck it, it's our last night.  It was awesome and I wanted two.

THE ADVENTURE:  Hellz yeah, Shipwreck Beach.

Garden of the Gods:

At the end of a VERY bumpy, but VERY appropriate 4x road, was Polihua Beach.  It was essentially just us and one other couple, where that fella only had interests in using all the SD cards to take photos of his woman.  She only had one pose: hat on head, hand on hat, dress gently blowing, smile.  Most boring slide show ever, those bummed out friends will have to endure.

NOTE:  I started drawing TOC POD in the sand.  For some reason, a few bees came over to check me out.  Travis doesn't like bees and Travis became very nervous.  I was hunched over, insisting he stay calm; That we could leave as soon as I got a photo of the water washing away the words.  He started pacing in circles saying "I'm freaking out, I'm freaking out! This is my nightmare!!!"  I kept lovingly yelling & smiling to stay calm, that they feed off your anxiety.   It didn't work.  I understand - he stepped on a bee when he was 6, so obviously...

Despite my loving concern, he did in fact freak out and ran through my neatly groomed statement, squashing any chance of the photo.  Then he ran all the way back to the car, in what I imagine was him with his arms flailing above head, in the hopes he'd go faster, while the bees huddled off to the side.  I captured both our foot trajectories...  I laughed so hard.  <3

THE EVENING:  The adventure is near over.  Our final Lana'i sunset and a heard of Axis deer that just started running in front of us.  Be safe deer buddies!


Day 10: A Fisherman's Trail of Sweat (May 25)

We were supposed go romping around in a 4x4, but apparently they are the thing to do on Memorial day in Lana'i.  Or they only have like a handful and so like 6 people renting sells them out.  No biggie - our fancy, schmancy itinerary was updated to swap Monday's dirt for Monday's massage.

THE EATS:  The heavier than usual food and oh so many treats are really starting to wear on me.  I started craving vegetables, 0% greek yogurt, and the vegan protein shakes I like days ago.  Besides puppy, this is where the "I miss home" is really starting to set in.  It's not even creature comforts, but the ability to cook a healthy meal.  And by healthy I mean simply knowing what I'm putting together, so I can measure the calories/proteins/fats/sugars, etc.

Yet I can't stop.  The buffet's are fresh, delicious and are healthy compared to what most people probably eat.  But when you're not used to consuming so much sugar, salt, & your body goes into magician mode & tricks you into thinking it needs more of that.  I'm unintentionally retraining it to feel different.  ack!  And although I know its game, I give in because it's a free 4 Seasons buffet...


Dinner at the hotel.  And dessert?  Why yes, don't mind if I do - I haven't had one in ages.

THE HIKES:  Fisherman's Trail starts at the hotel and in our minds, was a leisurely walk around the island that supposedly took an hour roundtrip.  And when we first started, a lady was coming back wearing only sandals - so how hard could it be?  Oh prey tell, how wrong we were.  We endured moments of cliff careening, walking on a golf course (much to the dismay of random old people,) having to say multiple times "I think this is it?!?" only to end up on an access road of said golf course.  Where then the trail begins?  It took us about 2 1/2 hours to complete the darn thing, but felt good.

I love this island but they have some goofy outdoorsey adventures...

THE DAY:  After exhausting hike time central, and don't want it to stop massage time central, we wandered down to the beach so Travis could wrestle some waves.  I enjoyed a lovely afternoon stretching and reading, having my husband chivalrously protect his fair maiden from the scary waters.  barf.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 9: Happy Birthday Anniversary (May 24)

Today, Today, it's today!!

I'm up, turn my head to focus my still waking eyes, and smile.  5 years ago Travis and I went to the fine city of Santa Barbara, to elope in the presence of a very sweet justice of the peace lady.  No fanfare, no pressure, no bullocks.  Just he and I, promising to be kind, supportive and loving until we perish in a fiery montage of metal music.  

For me, I can't say it's one of the best days of my life because that would mean the others aren't as special.  It's a turning point in any relationship, sure, but to single it out doesn't feel right.  It's a momentous event on a calendar we both have access to.  Don't get me wrong, I love that x 1,000,000.  And I love remembering being so concerned we'd be late, like the window of marriage would somehow close on us if we didn't make that appointment.  {ahem, they're open all day}  And it makes me happy knowing we walked away from that beautiful courthouse, radiating the biggest smiles inside and out.  That day.  That day prospers the anticipation for making the rest of our time together, the ultimate tops.


It's our last day on Maui and we need to pack up our haul.  Not a bunch of junky souvenirs, mostly scruffled dirty clothes, muddy shoes, and the occasional outfit I shouldn't have brought.  Travis kindly offers to help, but the limited square footage requires a delicate hand of Tetris.  I can't tag team him in.  This shoe here, that sock stuffed there... it all has to work properly, otherwise shit's gettin' left.

While stowing the few food items we did acquire, I realized there hasn't been much I've wanted to buy.  No shirts, hats, magnets, poi, towels, bangly wooden windchimes or hard knockered coconut bikinis.  I'm pretty sure I've become a huge skeptic for buying because I know who they're catering too - and it's not me.  For all the things that appear to be "small batch / local / handmade / only get here / don't you dare look on Amazon," they aren't.  And that bums me out.  Most visitors wouldn't venture into the actual parts of town to find that shop the locals love.  But we do and that's where I want to spend my business.  Yet I'm finding it extra hard in a place that thrives on the dollars of cheaply sandaled haoles...

THE EATS:  Say no more - Slappy Cakes! Slappy Cakes!  Slappy Cakes!  Slappy Cakes is a trippy pancake & bar house, where you make customizable flapjacks at your own personal griddle station!  Before we left, I told Travis one of the few things I wanted on this trip was a lovely pancake breakfast on our anniversary.  I don't eat them often but if there was gonna be a day, this would be it!

So. Good.


Nobu for our actual anniversary dinner and not the pretend one we thought was may 20, which was also extra lovely!  Travis arranged for a swell view, overlooking the pool & ocean.  They offered me a fantastic array of veggie options, including clay rubbed tofu & succulent brussel sprouts.  mmmmmmmmmmm.  For dessert, I ordered the Nobulito souflee (not really labeled that.)  Chocolately and delicious, with secret taro ice cream!  Oddly enough, they got every other detail right of our reservation, yet wrote Happy Birthday! in chocolate on my treat.  oops.  But I didn't mind... WARM CHOCO GOO!

THE STUFF BEFORE LANA'I:  Instead of a stressful 30 minute flight to Lana'i, we chose to take an easy, peasy ferry.  It left from Lahaina, the same Lahaina we pooped around in yesterday.  But having an hour before the ship set sail, gave us pooping around today time, too!  We had the opportunity to walk down the other side of the street.  Here is what we saw.

Not enough hilarity to take us back across the street to Mick's though...

THE RELAXING ISLAND OF LANA'I:  Oh Lana'i... you are special.  I felt that when we arrived and it lasted until we set foot back on Oahu... <3

...Classy Clarks' bring their own food for the stay.

first look at Lana'i.  Starspeeder engage!

THE FINAL HOME:  We got a great deal on booking the 4 Seasons, which other than the small mom & poppy place in town, is the only other resort on Lana'i.  I'd never had an employee greet us by name before, who also happened to have our complete itinerary at the ready.  It felt like we were playing extra dressup and I was ok with it.  The balcony looked like a giant TV picture window; our travel agent arranged for a special anniversary welcome dessert; THE FISH LIT UP when you pushed the control buttons for the lights because everything worked on gizmos; giant actual TV; bar stocked with good wine and fancy glasses I could only imagine cost more than my Fiat's lease; the toilet... the toilet lifts up when you walk near, heats when you sit for a while and has all kinds of goofy buttons.

This will do just fine...