Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Mystery Karen

Last Friday (Dec 19) I posted a photo summarizing a mysterious present left on my desk from "Karen."  Everything I say is true.  The Karen in our department was out that day.  A Karen used to work for me, but hasn't in a year.  And the gift was kinda thoughtful - but a little strange.

On Dec 22 when we returned in office, I asked department Karen whether she had left the gift.  She definitely stated no, although if it was good - she'd take credit.  I told her it wasn't worth the new found glory.  Not because receiving a gift has to be some elaborate value, but it's spooky and for someone who doesn't realize that, there's no need.

Today, December 24 - Christmas Eve, I walked past one of my employees desks to find this.  To my knowledge, Alex & I are the only special recipients of Karen's magical secret gift giving.  Which isn't to say I'm not appreciative of her second unknowing gift she gave - the ability to write about this.

Still fucking strange to me, but it got me thinking about the few other times people have left things on my desk anonymously.

A few years into my job, someone left the most beautiful plumeria flowers on my desk.  A couple days later, another couple of buds.  And then they stopped and no one ever fessed up.  So back then I decided it was a confused lover leaving his words through flowers program on the wrong desk.  And then he became tempestuous with "Brandi" when she didn't thank him for the love.  And then he broke up with her, always destined to hold a grudge.
     That or someone was inappropriately obsessed* and decided to relinquish their love for me.  *Sadly that also has happened to me.
     I tried to find out who it was - I even left sticky notes next to the flowers asking for this Cyrano to come forth.  nada.

Then a few years after that, I was been promoted to manager and had recently changed desks.  I found the following drawing left upon thy chair.  So back then I decided another person secretly found out how much I dug Star Trek and stayed up ALLLL night creating this for me.  It is completely hand drawn with no signature.
     Again I left a sticky note asking for mystery artist to come hither and show thy-selves.  But zilch.  I don't get it!?  Like I'm cautiously flattered but also realistic.  Being nice can be interpreted in the worst of ways and ain't nobody got time for that.
     So I keep my pleasant distance, thank them back and leave my life at that.


 So for anyone reading, has this happened to you OR am I oddly lucky?  If this HAS happened to you too, I'm very interested in understanding your rationale.  Please leave a comment cuz that would be fun.

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