Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Construction Junction: What's Your Dysfunction

It's been a few months since I've been able to write about the renovation, although my mind hasn't been cleared of the deadline.  When I was finishing the last entry, a few gremlins collectively pressed the red button and ev-ree-thing exploded.  They must have had a good laugh.  Crying and hammering down what words I could remember suddenly made documenting the progress less enticing.  Or maybe my subconscious felt the blast was a metaphor for something I still have yet to understand.  Either way, the posting schedule shifted in favor of other things.


It's the middle of July now and I'm feeling the sweaty, uncomfortable pain of being a construction virgin.  Why isn't X calling?  Did X lie to me?  I don't know if I'm doing this right!  And because you all know me in some kind of intimate way, here's the haps:

  • At the end of June, our refinance and home equity line of credit closed!  Toodleoo, stupid PMI insurance, you can go bother someone else now please.  Howdy ho, low fixed rate home equity loan.  ALL THIS, A LOWER PAYMENT AND WE GET NEW SHIT!?!  $$ chu-ching, bitches $$
  • Our landscape architect has given us a lovely set of design plans.  This dude was also a dwelling architect, so he can visualize both sides coming together like cereal and Saturday Morning Cartoons.  YIPPEEE!  There's a color theme, vegetable beds, herb pots, outdoor dining, gobs of bee catnip, plants requiring little water, and a schmancy fence for our boy Leroy.   Once we, ahem I, understood the true cost of remodeling several thousand square feet of yard, we chopped that in half, stuck with the front, and the momentum realigned.
  • After many days of holding samples up outside, we've chosen a metal shake roof, color is obviously Charcoal.  \m/
  • After many days of swapping and staring and holding samples up outside, we're currently narrowed down the paint colors to a trifecta for the home/windows/trim.  Anonymous / Riverway / Tricorn Black OR Anonymous / Riverway / Black Fox.  obviously.

  • Our general contractor, who is a family friend, had some recent health problems.  So the one dude who's been extra helpful and on our side, is partially down for the count.  Beyond anything we want him to be healthy, and rested, and ok!  But when you're right in the thick of things, suddenly you don't know how to proceed.  We've spoken periodically and because he's getting stronger every day, we're able to work within his schedule.  whew.
  • The initial roof bid was fantastic!  But last Monday he put on his bummer pants because the salesman calculated the sizing wrong.  damn.  This guy knows his stuff, we truly believe it was a mistake and not a bogus measure & switch.  I even rushed to vet another company just in case, but they were scattered & condescendingly not helpful, plus their estimate was more then double.  So until our GC either offers another solution or says you're golden, we're in a holding pattern.


We can prepare, gather & educate ourselves to the point of exhaustion, but since every job is different, asking for advice will only get Travis and I so far.  Ultimately it comes down to getting dirty, and possibly learning the hard way, the rest on our own.  Which I'm totally prepared to do, because we plow on as two, optimistically smart humans.

But there are numerous shifting pieces and we haven't even dropped a single nail yet.  I do loves me some organizing, yet I'll admit there's a lot to manage.  Some people can afford, or even want, the contracting company's role to be "don't bother me kid, just execute."  Others have an exact vision and say "don't bother me with your ideas kid, just execute."  And then there's the rest of us.  The inbetweeners; The participators.  We can describe our style, enjoy the collaboration, make sure specific elements are included and willing to handle some labor.  Yet need that outside voice to influence where necessary and help weave the seams into a beautiful view.

Luckily, the two companies we're currently working with are extremely patient & supportive: answering questions, setting expectations and defining the responsibility line.  Basically putting my mind at ease, even though I may forget they've done so.  The team you entrust should enhance your weakness' and celebrate your strengths.  

That's the tops!


For the roof, we can't do much except pick a style and color.  For the landscaping, however, we are involved with foliage options, colors, decor, style, siding, trees, seating... Should this MOD planter be turquoise, red or orange?  Should the ground cover be flat or spunky?  What stain do we choose?  Must we cut back the overhang because honestly what difference will it make?  We have to find lighting and a doorbell button and house numbers and a mailbox...  Did I mention there's boatloads more?

I've fought some anxiety associated to the number of decisions this process has already required because I don't want to misuse the dollars we've allocated.  Especially when you're looking online at the rabbit hole of information that floods mine eyes, there seems no end in sight.  I could honestly dedicate each workday to just putting together "the idea" and still have more to go.  In those moments, I wrestle with the fantasy of handing the entire thing off.  I would lose some control, but maybe in a stressful situation that's ok?  nah, who am I kidding... I know me.  I couldn't give up that easily because then I wouldn't learn.  And learning I crave.  Sure, maybe I'd gain time back in my diary, but I would always question what the outcome would have been.... instead of what it becomes.

Some days I can't wait to start and others I wanna run away because everything is moving too fast.  Which I'm sure is normal, so I guess better to get wet with an outdoor project vs. indoors where you're doubley disrupted.  And finally being able to write down the events that have occurred over the last few months does nicely illustrate more positives then negatives.

Because when you're gonna blow your equity wad, you may only get one shot.

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