Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Tax Man Cometh

Get an Accountant.  A good accountant.  The kind you don't know how you ever lived without.  They are one of the best investment's, both financially and personal relationshipy.  A trusted expert isn't just there to get you the most money back once a year, although duh, they make you laugh, guide your investments, help make the most of your hard work...

We've been seeing the same feller for several years now; we tell friends about him, just like a friend told me.  We've gone to him for advice about several ventures and we're grateful.  He's always got a smile, a handshake, and a joke about some randomly anonymous chump.  Like a doctor, he's the best at anecdotal conversation, that puts you at ease while you present your dirty money secrets.  A good match with a good client, is like magical tiny, sharing cookies.

I usually set our March appointment the day I go back to work in January.  His diary fills up fast and we certainly don't want to find ourselves into April, nervously scrolling each of our five fingers over a wooden table.  For days leading up to the red X on the calendar, I prep and file and organize and ask Travis questions and write a whole cheat sheet of itemized deductions.  It helps me, but it also makes our two-hour window go smoothly.

We saw the tax man Friday and he was very, financially good to us.


After the necessary, I usually have some random cross-section of questions to ask.  The check we write is for the whole time, not just tax junk.  So I inquired whether there was anything to consider, should we want to refinance or withdraw a home equity loan.  DING.  He mentioned knowing a couple of wonderful people, who happen to work at the place that holds our mortgage, that could help us out!  I sat in awe of how the simple act of conversation, shrinks your would of who knows who.  We've been under the impression a refi wasn't right for us.  We've been under the impression a home equity loan isn't feasible until other things fall into place.  And then here I am, witnessing the potential crumbling of the barriers.  Without hesitation, he phoned them up, gave some details, and I left 9 digits closer to seeing our homes vision realized.

We saw the tax man Friday and he was very, personally good to us.  I will send him those cookies, post-haste.

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