Sunday, July 13, 2014

Toodle-ooo, cheese-a-rino.

Long time vegetarian; first time dedicated vegan.  Today is my last day as a vegetarian and I'm feeling uber excited for my health and physicalyness.

Travis and I have been a coupled vegetarian for over 10 years.  Even prior to meeting one another, we both had dabbled within the full plant realm, but it never stuck.  Who knows the reasons.  However, one night watching TV in my very first apartment, we saw a program on "how they make baby chicks."  We looked at each other and that was all she wrote: no more meat.  No fish either - some people allow this but we didn't.

My history of meat: At this point, I had not eaten red meat for over 10 years.  No hot dogs, burgers, beefy things.  I never ate fish so this was a moot point.  I only ate chicken and turkey because I didn't realize other protein sources existed.  The transition was extremely easy.

Trav's history of meat:  No hot dogs or steaks, but enjoyed a good burger of high quality.  Chicken and turkey like me.  Sushi... that was his weak link.  He loved a brilliant spicy tuna roll or filling his belly with albacore.

We are not preaches of lettuce, but will talk freely if someone asks.  We don't judge others (unless you're a dick then we'll judge you for other reasons,) because that's not our way.  But our reasons are simple: We can't complete the process, so we won't take part.  It just doesn't seem right.  There are also significant environmental impacts and quality concerns with societals' food demands.  I don't need to find a soapbox because google is perfect for that; just makes a person think.  And if all that wasn't enough, turns out we feel a helluva lot better; so why the fuck not.

For all the health and timing reasons, Travis went vegan a month ago.  But before I could join, I was requested by him to "finish up the cheese so we don't waste it."  ha, ok.  I can do a few last moments with goat cheese, crackers & dill.  I made my way through our stash at home, but today our book club hens got together for a non-book club BBQ.  I knew the type of food this group enjoys, so I decided it was a prefect timing to say goodbye.  I bid adieu with a plate of feta, parmesan and home made ice cream.  fin.

I'm truly an excited bird.  It's TOTALLY rad - argh I feel so good!  Like I said, we've been cooking mostly vegan anyway since it's easier than cooking two different meals.  I've researched recipes, alternative products, all with rounding success.  It's not even a being in Los Angeles thing, it's an education thing.  Pushing ourselves to think differently about food and what works for us.  Think about it - it's like learning to cook for the first time, all over again.  Making mistakes but getting some fantastic results that we want to share with everyone.  To show people it's not all flax and patchouli.  Maybe help show my parents it's not a phase.  hmm, just me?  We've grown to embrace lentils rather than various soy meats.  What's not to love about cooking (strings windmilled) BLACK LENTILS?!

 And each night, Trav & I give ourselves a smiley health sticker and happy feelin' good sticker*.

* vegan desserts are definitely part of our diet, but generally contain less sugar.

Here are some of our favorites sites, if you're curious to see what all the hubbub is about:
The Post Punk Kitchen
Chocolate Covered Katie
Oh She Glows
Vegan Buttermilk Biscuits

Plus, the oodles of great vegan restaurants all around us, winning even the veggie faint of heart.   Here are some we LOVE:
Vegan Plate
Bulan Thai
Native Foods
Adama (Santa Barbara)

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