Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day 11: Rescue Me Yellow (May 26)

WE GET TO GO 4X4-ING, WHICH I'VE NEVER DONE AND I'M SO EXCITED, GO VROOM VROOM VROOM RIGHT NOW PLEASE!!!!  Oh stomach, you're nerves have gotten to you?  You feel like you need to burb 1000 belches, but can't?  For shame, the day started out with such promise.

But then I drank tea and ginger ale and napped and in between, unleashed some great ones (according to Travis!)  Awwww yeah, we're back on our way!

THE EATS: Another breakfast buffet... another round of fresh malasada doughnut holes.  I could/could not get used to this.  Ok not really because I would probably puke all the time from the sugar overload.


Dinner was at the local Cafe 565.  Please, if you're in the neighborhood, stop by and have some of their deelicious ono food.  They were friendly, locals & cops love them, and they have won best local Ono Grinds for like 7 years in a row or something.  Dessert calzone with vanilla ice cream, that was flailed in the middle and topped with chocolate.  Fuck it, it's our last night.  It was awesome and I wanted two.

THE ADVENTURE:  Hellz yeah, Shipwreck Beach.

Garden of the Gods:

At the end of a VERY bumpy, but VERY appropriate 4x road, was Polihua Beach.  It was essentially just us and one other couple, where that fella only had interests in using all the SD cards to take photos of his woman.  She only had one pose: hat on head, hand on hat, dress gently blowing, smile.  Most boring slide show ever, those bummed out friends will have to endure.

NOTE:  I started drawing TOC POD in the sand.  For some reason, a few bees came over to check me out.  Travis doesn't like bees and Travis became very nervous.  I was hunched over, insisting he stay calm; That we could leave as soon as I got a photo of the water washing away the words.  He started pacing in circles saying "I'm freaking out, I'm freaking out! This is my nightmare!!!"  I kept lovingly yelling & smiling to stay calm, that they feed off your anxiety.   It didn't work.  I understand - he stepped on a bee when he was 6, so obviously...

Despite my loving concern, he did in fact freak out and ran through my neatly groomed statement, squashing any chance of the photo.  Then he ran all the way back to the car, in what I imagine was him with his arms flailing above head, in the hopes he'd go faster, while the bees huddled off to the side.  I captured both our foot trajectories...  I laughed so hard.  <3

THE EVENING:  The adventure is near over.  Our final Lana'i sunset and a heard of Axis deer that just started running in front of us.  Be safe deer buddies!


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