Monday, November 16, 2015

A Year Of Writing... Sort Of.

A friend of mine started a personal writing project a few months ago, her intention to put something down on paper, everyday, for one year.  No minimum number of words, nothing on/off limits, simply a new exercise program for an old friend.

She put the announcement on facebook, citing it's harder to renege once it's out in the interspace.  I can relate.  I've gotten on that bus, but sometimes forgot to get off at the right stop.  whoops.  But she bravely offered to share her stories & commentaries, so I enthusiastically volunteered as a reader.  And in the first few emails, I found myself inspired but what she was doing and intrigued to try my hand at such an awesome, creative challenge!

I knew setting a daily bar wouldn't work for me.  Not because I think it's wrong, quite contrary as I think the determination is admirable.  But since starting this journal, all I think about is writing everyday, which reality has translated into occasional.  I don't want to commit myself to an unrealistic goal because that will only set me up for failure.  And then I'll get discouraged, which is not the point.

So I decided to do my own version, which other than time is nothing different I guess.  I'd follow her lead with no minimum number of words (which is swell when I sent four on a page) and nothing on/off limits.  But in terms of frequency, do it when I can.  keep it simple.  And I gotta say, it's been exceptionally rewarding!  I'm writing a little more, including a couple short stories I really dig.  The sharing between ourselves has also been an unexpected reward.  There is an intimate accountability, for this trusted space we've created; I crave it.


I write. I won't call myself a writer... Writer is reserved for someone who like, isn't me.  How in as much as I'd love to do discover my voice full time, it's easier to call it a fulfilling hobby.  Maybe that's why sharing selected tidbits is acceptable, because I'm working through the discovery of who I am and what do I want to say.

Be on the lookout.

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